- How do you provide an installation log file from the Windows Event Viewer?
- Why is the Download Manager not working?
- How do you resolve start-up problems?
- How do you resolve anti-virus and firewall problems?
- How do you add an exclusion for Lumion in Windows Defender and Windows Firewall?
- How do you release a Lumion License Key?
- How do you resolve pop-up error messages while editing or rendering a Scene?
- Why does Lumion crash or display an error when you load or save some Scene files?
- Why does Lumion crash when you need to select a file in an Open File dialog window?
- What do you do if Lumion does not respond to mouse-clicks?
- How do you resolve a 'GPU device instance has been suspended' error?
- Why is the camera moving randomly or frozen, for example after opening or importing a file?
- Why are Photos or Movies not being saved?
- Why are Spotlights not casting shadows?
- Why are models missing when you open Lumion demo Scenes?
- How do you resolve OpenStreetMap errors?
- Why is there only a 'Load LS file' button on the screen when Lumion starts up?
- Why is the MyLumion project you uploaded not loading?
- Why is your Graphics Card Score low in the Lumion Benchmark test?
- Why is your computer using an Intel HD graphics chip instead of the dedicated graphics card?
- Why does your MP4 video freeze or look strange during playback?
- Why does Lumion show incorrect memory values in the top right box of Build Mode?
- Can you use Lumion without an internet connection?
- Why are there red questionmarks in a Scene?
- How do you resolve a 'No internet connection found' and 'General connection failure' error?
- How do you provide a Diagnostics Report?
- How do you analyze a Diagnostics Report?
- How do you provide a Lumion Error Log file?
- How do you provide a Windows Event Log File?
- How do you provide a DebugView log file?