You have imported about 100 custom models over time. You have just realized Lumion has a feature to save the Imported Model to a Category. For example Plants or Cars or Furniture.
You would like to know if there is a way to create those Categories now, being after the fact of importing the models.
Here's how:
1. Make sure Lumion is closed.
2. In Windows File Explorer go to the folder Documents\Lumion [version]\Library.
3. Create new folders to put the model files in (e.g. people, cars, furniture, etc...)
4. Move the Imported Model files to those desired folders.
There are 4 files per model (.lib, .lib.inn, .lib.mtt, .lib.txx). See article:
5. Restart Lumion in order to refresh the Imported Model Library browser window.
Projects that have already been saved with the Imported Model in a different Category folder will load the model from the Project file back to the source Library folder.
Applicable To:
Lumion 8.0 and newer.